This ETF Helps Investors Trade the “Work from Home” Trend

For investors looking for a diversified way to play the “work from home” secular growth theme that has taken financial markets by storm, there is now an exchange traded fund for you!
The iShares Virtual Work and Life Multisector ETF (IWFH) was recently launched, with the goal of providing a diversified way for investors to tap into this growth trend. New ETFs are popping up all the time, and I don’t pay attention to most of these. That said, this ETF is a great way for investors to access a diversified portfolio of companies tracking this secular shift, without the pains of building such a portfolio themselves.
As would be expected, this ETF is not cheap right now. This trade has a ton of momentum, so there are some downside risks associated with buying this ETF at these levels. That said, for investors who are truly long-term buy and hold investors, buying now and adding on any dips in the future is a good strategy.

For those looking to pick up the best quality ETFs at a reasonable price, being patient with such ETFs may be more prudent. This really is up to the individual risk tolerance of each individual investor.

There are a few other options out there in the ETF universe offering access to portfolios of similar companies. I would encourage all readers to check out the options available and decide which ETF is best for you.
Invest wisely, my friends.

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