Should Investors Follow Jim Pattison Into Westshore Terminals Investment Corp.?

As one of Canada's richest men, Jim Pattison is often looked to in the same way investors peer into the holdings of Prem Watsa or Warren Buffett - riding the coattails of prominent investors certainly has its benefits for long-term investors willing to buy and hold significant positions in companies for significant periods of time.

As with many of Pattison's other investments which have performed extremely well, investors in Westshore Terminals Investment Corp. (TSX:WTE) have seen their equity investment more than double since the beginning of 2016 - an impressive run when compared to the broader market over this period of time.

Westshore is Canada's largest terminal operator for coal exports in the country, also servicing U.S. mines in Montana and Wyoming which ship their raw materials through Port Metro Vancouver.

While the coal business may continue to see heightened volatility related to new and renewable sources of energy, Westshore's dominant position in its market makes it an excellent long-term play for investors looking for a decent 2.6% dividend yield and long-term capital appreciation as well.

Invest wisely, my friends.

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