GeoVax Points to Victories in Fight Against AIDS

It is World AIDS Day, a somber reminder of the fight against this dreaded disease, how much more remains to be done.

Atlanta-based GeoVax Labs Inc. (OTC:GOVX), a biotechnology company developing human immunotherapies and vaccines against infectious diseases and cancer, observed the date as a global initiative to raise awareness, fight prejudice, and improve education about HIV and AIDS.

According to CEO David Dodd, "The U.S. federal theme for the 2019 World AIDS Day observance is Ending the HIV/AIDS Epidemic: Community by Community.

"GeoVax is committed to an AIDS-free generation through vaccine and immunotherapy development, and today we would like to highlight our continuing contributions to this effort, as well as recognize the work being done by our partners and collaborators. Defeating HIV/AIDS will require a multi-pronged approach, encompassing multiple strategies for both prevention and treatment of the disease, and we are pleased to be contributing in multiple areas.

"Our preventive HIV vaccine candidate (GOVX-B11) was originally conceived under the leadership of our scientific founder, Dr. Harriet Robinson, in collaboration with the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and Emory University."

Shares in the company gathered 7.7%, to seven-100ths of a cent, on just over a million shares.

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