Nightfood Gallops on APA Endorsement

Yes, Virginia, there is an organization called the American Pregnancy Association. It makes sense because, if there weren’t any pregnancies, we wouldn’t be here.

In all seriousness, the APA sent word out Thursday that it recognizes Tarrytown, New York-based Nightfood, Inc. (OTC:NGTF) as its official ice cream (it’s also likely most of us didn’t know there could be an "official" ice cream).

Nightfood touts itself as "the better-for-you ice cream company addressing America’s $50-billion nighttime snacking problem."

The American Pregnancy Association is a national health organization committed to promoting reproductive and pregnancy wellness through education, support, advocacy and community awareness. Founded in 1995, the APA currently serves over five million women and families a month through their website and toll-free education helpline.

According to Nightfood CEO Sean Folkson, "The buzz on social media about Nightfood has been building, and we noticed an increase in posts from pregnant women

"Consulting with our nutrition experts, we discovered that Nightfood’s unique formulation, among all other ice creams on the market, best aligns with the specific nutritional needs women have during pregnancy."

Volume of just over 70,000 shares didn’t make investors scream for ice cream, but, perhaps a gain of two cents per share, or 7.7%, to 28 cents, might.

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