Microsoft Strikes Partnership With General Electric On Predix Industrial Internet Platform

Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) and General Electric Company (NYSE:GE) are working on a joint project involving the integration of Predix software platform and cloud software.

Predix is a software created by General Electric (GE) to allow connectivity with industrial equipment such as power plants and computers to computers that can lower operating costs and even forecast failures. The partnership between the two firms will work towards the integration of the Predix software with Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform.

“The agreement broadly expands integration of Microsoft’s cloud software with GE’s Predix applications,” stated Bill Ruh, the chief executive in charge of GE Digital.

The new deal between Microsoft and GE comes just a few days after the announcement of a partnership between GE and software and tech giant Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL). The iPhone maker and GE revealed that they would work together to make industrial apps that will make the analytics and predictive data from Predix available on iPhones and iPads.

Apple and GE revealed their new Predix software development kit (SDK) that will provide developers with the resources that they need to create industrial IoT apps. Apple CEO Tim Cook stated that GE is an ideal partner for his company considering that it has a lot of experience in various industries including energy, healthcare, aviation, and manufacturing. The partnership will work towards changing how these industries function by incorporating the simplistic nature and power of iPads and iPhones with the Predix platform.

GE’s Chief Executive John Flannery stated that his company’s customers are increasingly finding themselves requiring solutions for strengthening their workforces through mobility. The latter is thus one of the main objectives of the Apple-GE partnership with the aim of taking advantage of all the opportunities available through mobility. The partnership with Microsoft will also sweeten the deal by taking things further by including cloud as an aspect of the Predix platform. These developments are expected to greatly improve yields for the customers while reducing the managing operations risks and maintenance costs.

Microsoft stock closed the latest trading session on Thursday at $78.76 after a 0.17 percent gain compared to the value of the stock during the previous close.

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