Garcinia Cambogia - Weight Loss Confirmed and Explained by Recent Research


BURBANK, CA / ACCESSWIRE / February 28, 2015 / Garcinia Cambogia Extract has recently been in the spotlight for its unique weight loss abilities. It's an all-natural food supplement made from the pure extracts of the Garcinia Cambogia fruit, a plant that is regarded to be an effective super food. Recent studies show that the active ingredients in this particular tropical fruit can initiate weight loss to as much as 3x for people who are taking it versus those who are not. Actual clinical studies have further boosted the product's campaign in the weight loss market. When reports of a new weight loss product hit mainstream media, many people get interested in it without many actively buying the product. Such is the case of Garcinia Cambogia, the latest weight loss supplement that can produce results without the need to abruptly change a person's current diet.

Access the top Garcinia Cambogia Product that has been found to be the most effective in research here.

Weight loss enthusiasts who have used the Garcinia Cambogia product regularly for a month have seen as much as a 10-pounds of body weight reduction without diet or exercise. If Garcinia Cambogia is complemented with diet and exercise, the results are expected to be monumental. Garcinia Cambogia works by suppressing one's appetite and preventing the accumulation of fats. This further shows how the product works in a dual-action, fat burning weight loss mode.

The effectiveness of Garcinia Cambogia is proven even more as many doctors currently recommend it as one of the most natural solutions for weight loss. Researchers claim that HCA can double or triple one's weight loss. Researchers also explain that the HCA extract from the Garcinia Cambogia supplement helps people to lose weight by blocking fat and suppressing the appetite, and while many weight loss supplements have plenty of skeptics disputing their powers, studies on Garcinia Cambogia do seem to show promise. Access the top Garcinia Cambogia Product that has been found to be the most effective in research here.

Access the top Garcinia Cambogia Product that has been found to be the most effective in the study.

In one controlled study that he recounts, 60 obese people went on an eight-week diet of 1,200 calories per day with either a 1,320 mg daily dose of HCA or a placebo. The HCA group lost 14 pounds, compared to 6.1 pounds in the placebo group. Another study published in the International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy concluded that the supplement was indeed a "highly effective adjunct to healthy weight control." Researchers show that with no other changes, you may lose four to sixteen pounds in a month depending on diet and body type; but as with all weight loss plans, adding exercise and eating healthy is recommended.

Access the top Garcinia Cambogia Product that has been found to be the most effective in the study.

The Wall Street Journal notes a few negative factors about using Garcinia cambogia:

Some brands of Garcinia Cambogia do not come with the recommended strength of HCA for weight loss; some users are not checking with their physicians to see if the supplement is safe for them; and some supplements come with fillers and binders.

Reasons for Unhealthy Additives in Supplements:
"Supplement manufacturers often add in fillers to their garcinia cambogia Extract for numerous reasons." - Paul Johnston A.D.J

1.Easier and faster production (cutting costs): Supplements like garcinia cambogia Extract, involve an extraction procedure which requires more time and more money to acquire and finish product product. Rather then spend the time or money, additives are used leading to an inferior product.

2. More appealing to the eye (colorants): We eat and buy with our eyes, low quality manufactures of garcinia cambogia Extract know this, so artificial colors are used to make their product more appealing to the eye, again leading to an ineffective product.

3. Easier to swallow (coatings): Magnesium Stearate is used as a lubricant so that the pills don’t stick to one another, or to the equipment being used during production. This is the sole reason why magnesium stearate is used in supplements and vitamins. Magnesium Stearate is a toxic ingredient, and should not be added to supplements as it caries serious health consequences. Access garcinia cambogia products that do not contain dangerous additives here.

But there are ways around these problems; simply heed the following tips:

Make sure the brand of Garcinia Cambogia you choose contains 50 percent HCA. Dosage should be at least 800 mg, which is the recommended dose to be taken daily, 30 to 60 minutes before your three main meals of the day. Avoid taking more than 3,000 mg in 24 hours because it can cause minor side effects like stomach pain. Select a brand of Garcinia Cambogia that is free of artificial ingredients, fillers or binders; but calcium, potassium, and chromium are okay. Buy Garcinia Cambogia that is only made in a certified lab in the USA.

About Us:
Health Trust, is a top-tier provider of natural health product information through clinical research. Research is conducted to aid and promote healthy lifestyles, weight loss, and high quality products to consumers. Health Trust uses highly efficient research methods to gain accurate results on many dieting products without bias, and will only publish results that include safe natural ingredients, in order to assure optimum health and safety. Health Trust is dedicated to providing its viewers quality information that is geared towards living longer, healthier, and happier lives. The primary purpose of this release is to help consumers avoid poor quality products online, while shedding light on quality brands leading to informed buying decisions, and creating a better buying experience.

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Source: Health Trust