A Growing Number Of Americans Are Embracing Life With Roommates - Neil Shekhter


LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / January 16, 2018 / According to Neil Shekhter, no matter what part of the U.S. in which you live, "co-living" (also called communal-housing) means living with roommates of course, but also exemplifies "common rooms" for adventurous roommates. Co-living - conceived by Boomers during the 60s and 70s - is a unique communal-housing model; it now affords any cash-strapped or free-lancing Millennial the opportunity to live with other like-minded Millennials who are part of the local workforce within the city or town in which he or she lives.

The co-living movement started in the 60s, when peace-loving activists' camaraderie embraced communal-housing startups and turned to open and transparent co-living settings void of personal space and privacy - resulting in their affordably living in community comprised of trusted people, all of whom were united under the banner of love, peace, and happiness, Neil Shekhter points out. This creates tremendous opportunities for real estate investors and Los Angeles in particular.

Decades later, an ever increasing number of co-living communities and spaces have sprouted around the world, especially in the U.S. where more and more Americans have decided to live with others in an arranged communal-housing settings. In fact, during the past several years, co-living is ideal for anyone who is purposely sharing housing with a roommate or living in a common community, says Neil Shekhter.

Neil Shekhter explained, that a community manager oversees the daily operations of every communal space for which he or she is responsible: managing the property, filling vacancies, marketing communal memberships, outsourcing housekeeping and related cleaning services, scheduling social events, running background checks, and much much more. Community managers control, oversee, and operate properties in major cities like New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Pittsburgh, and Chicago.

In essence, so-living space occupants enjoy the following benefits and features like:

Neil Shekhter CEO of NMS Properties, understands co-living can be beneficial to any digital nomad new to the city, any young adult who has opted to move out his or her parents' home, or anyone else interested in sharing a space with others. Moreover, the co-living specialist knows living alone can make a single adult feel isolated and lonely. At NMS Properties, he can see how important finding compatible roommates and a suitable communal housing is to anyone interested in the latter-day concept of living in a commune or a co-op.

Launching NMS Properties in 1988, Neil Shekhter assumed the role of CEO in January 1995. The real estate management company focuses on multi-family and mixed-use properties in the Greater Los Angeles area and in Santa Monica. At present, NMS properties manages more than 70 properties.

Neil Shekhter - Founder and CEO of NMS Properties

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SOURCE: NMS Properties, Inc.