Hint Health Details How Direct Primary Care Physicians Can Boost Their Patient Roster


Working with Local Employers

SAN FRANCISCO, CA / ACCESSWIRE / January 18, 2018 / Direct Primary Care (DPC) has been widely praised by both doctors and patients for being one of the best ways to deliver both the most beneficial as well as the most affordable healthcare in the country. The model is typically built as a subscription service which eliminates insurance-based primary care altogether. Instead, patients (or their employer) pay a monthly fee - typically averaging around $70 - for full access to their primary physician whenever needed, as well as wholesale prices on drugs and lab work. One of the challenges for doctors, however, in adopting such a new and innovative model is how to rapidly secure a large enough patient base to overcome the economic hurdles when eliminating insurance reimbursements. San Francisco-based startup Hint Health, a pioneer in workflow automation for Direct Primary Care (DPC) physicians has published an article with excellent suggestions on how doctors can partner with local employers to exponentially boost their patient roster.

The good news for doctors is that the benefits in DPC speak for themselves and are easy for any business to recognize. With the rapidly growing number of small employers looking for ways to lower their healthcare costs, Direct Primary Care stands out as one of the most effective ways for them to do it, as USA Today reported recently. Additionally, the Society for Human Resource Management touts the numerous benefits of DPC for businesses of all size.

As a first step, Hint Health encourages doctors to weave themselves into the local business community by spending as much time as possible with local business leaders. Physicians should take time to visit meetings and mixers at a local city club or chapter of national service clubs like the Rotary Club or Chamber of Commerce. The environment at these meetings is typically low-pressure enough to permit a friendly conversation about health care. A single friendly conversation could lead to a lot of new patients.

In seeking to partner with employers, Hint Health advises, ''One way DPC practices can easily show this success is by working with employers to look at claims data for employees enrolled in Direct Care vs. those who choose to opt-out. This type of side-by-side comparison is powerful evidence a practice can use when courting future employers. It also provides great PR material, proving that the practice is making local health care more effective and affordable for everyone in the community. Many doctors find this especially impactful because they get to heal more than just patients: they can benefit the whole community!''

Doctors who may be considering a Direct Primary Care practice are encouraged to read Hint's complete article titled ''DPC and Employers: More Patients, Better Benefits, at a Lower Cost'' and to download the company's 2017 Direct Primary Care Trends Report which provides a comprehensive look at all DPC aspects of expansion, demographics and economic impacts culled from its ground-level work with DPC physicians.

About Hint Health

Founded with an exclusive focus on the direct primary care movement, Hint has been working with trailblazing physicians to automate their administration workflows since 2013, making it easy to operate and scale-up this new practice model while efficiently managing overhead costs.


Paul Lacey

(415) 854-6366 x019

SOURCE: Hint Health