How Shawn Henry is Winning The Energy Wars And Molding The Future Of Solar Energy


SEATTLE, WA / ACCESSWIRE / February 21, 2020 / Solar power is becoming one of the world's essential sources of energy- and eventually, the most vital source of energy. Solar energy is generating tens of billions of dollars of economic value and employing about 242,000 people in the US, according to research. The US has deployed millions of solar systems totaling 71,300 MW of solar energy and generating over 100TWh of electricity. About 1.5% of US electricity is made by solar energy.

So what does this mean to you? Let's say you are thinking of designing a new house, energy efficiency is a major item to take into careful consideration. You need the right energy-efficient insulation in the foundation, roof, walls, windows, and even house periphery. Today, the market for energy efficiency products is booming, whether its energy-saving appliances or a whole-home energy efficiency makeover. Homeowners can expect to use much less energy in today's times than in the past.

Efficient Home Services is an energy efficiency company based out of Florida with custom energy packages to help you save your hard-earned money. EHS offers you a range of cost-saving solutions from solar panel installation to HVAC unit installation; this company provides services across the spectrum to address every aspect of your home's energy inefficiencies.

About Shawn Henry

Shawn Henry is the CEO of Efficient Home Services, the #1 Energy Company on the Inc 5000 list. He is the most coveted figure in all Florida solar companies. Born in Ontario, Canada, he was raised by a single mother. As a teen, he learned to socialize with friends. However, things took a wrong turn for Shawn at a young age that led him down the wrong path - a path that would have surely led him to spend time behind bars.

Shawn always found himself on the wrong side of the law based on recurring issues at both schools and in his personal life. From underaged drinking to associating with bad company that led to school expulsions, being unruly was all that Shawn Henry was known for.

Shawn's rebellious attitude always had a way of preventing him from sustaining any jobs. He would often lose his jobs after working about 2-3 weeks with a company because of the stereotypes that surrounded his behavior. Shawn grew tired of handling ‘little money'. He knew this lifestyle was not the one he wanted. Shawn had aspirations of owning his own company and knew the life he wanted to model was the future.

The Power Of Persistence

Persistence is always a choice. It means believing in yourself and tracing a route to arrive at the result no matter the challenges. You have to stand up and take a step forward when everyone else is sitting down. This trait is what has made Shawn win his battles and skyrocket him to success in the energy industry.

Shawn had worked with so many different companies without success, but he never gave up. Nevertheless, when he got a job with a solar company, it was an opportunity he was waiting for - the opportunity to grow his own ideas. He grasped the concept of company building, obtaining company leads, and understanding licensing protocols. Efficient Home Services was born. Shawn and his team began visiting residential neighborhoods door-to-door, sharing their passion for solar energy with local communities. Shawn and his team had the goal to reach as many households as possible. Shawn wanted to help homeowners achieve affordable energy efficiency within their homes since he had been involved in the energy efficiency line for over a decade and knew the great benefits that came along with making the clean energy switch.

Offer The Right Help To Clients

Soon, the business was flourishing. Shawn hand-picked the right helpful talent who were useful to the growth of both his market and his vision. He wanted to offer the best to his clients. Today, if you happen to partner with Efficient Home Services, his experts and professionally-trained technicians will visit your home and conduct a free energy audit. They will then analyze the efficiencies of your home, showing you specific areas that are affecting your energy bill. The team will then study your past 12-13 months of electric bills to find out how much you are spending on electricity. These calculations are broken down to show you how many kilowatts you consume per day, and the highly-trained energy experts will put together a completely customized package of upgrades to resolve the inefficiencies in your home.

As a client of EHS, you will yield the savings you seek through the addition of new solar panels, attic insulation, or any other recommended energy-efficient upgrades that you wish. The validation is in the numbers; the EHS team looks forward to showing clients the difference between what they used to pay and what they are paying following the switch to energy efficiency.

Shawn proves his belief in the model he has created through his exclusive guarantee to offer clients peace of mind that they are making the right decision. Following the installation of your upgrades, EHS will track your energy bills for 12 months. His guarantee? If you are not saving the energy his experts promised you; they will be back to your home to make any necessary revisions needed to get you there.

Company: Efficient Home Services
Contact Information:
Contact Name: Shawn Henry

SOURCE: Shawn Henry

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