09:54 AM EST - Cabral Gold Inc. : Announced assay results from an additional 12 RC holes testing near-surface oxide material at the Machichie Main Zone, Cuiú Cuiú gold district in northern Brazil. These holes are part of a drill program designed to better define and quantify the saprolite and blanket gold-in-oxide mineralization at the Machichie target, which is located just 500m northwest of the MG gold deposit and could have an impact on the current plans for trial-mining oxide material in that area. Highlights: RC409 returned 30m @ 2.6 g/t gold from surface in mineralized basement saprolite material including 12m @ 5.6 g/t gold from 11m depth; RC418 returned 9m @ 4.3 g/t gold in mineralized fresh rock from 41m depth including 2m @ 18.6 g/t gold at the start of the 9m interval; RC414 returned 13m @ 1.6 g/t gold from surface in mineralized saprolite, including 6m @ 2.8 g/t gold from 4m depth. Cabral Gold Inc.
shares V.CBR are trading up $0.01 at $0.18.