DraftKings Jumps on New NFL Links

DraftKings Inc. (NASDAQ:DKNG) shares rose in Friday trading after the company announced it will become an official sports betting partner of the NFL and extend its current relationship as the exclusive Official Daily Fantasy Partner.

The company says it worked out a deal with the National Football League to become an Official Sports Betting Partner of the League. The company also extended its current relationship as the exclusive Official Daily Fantasy Partner with the NFL. As an Official Sports Betting Partner of the NFL,

DraftKings will have the right to integrate relevant sports betting content directly into NFL Media properties including the league's website and the NFL App. An important part of the agreement is that DraftKings will utilize the NFL's official League data feed. DKNG will also be able to enhance its app with NFL highlights, footage and Next Gen States content.

Said CEO Jason Robins, "The way fans consume sports years from now will look drastically different, and it will be due in part to forward-thinking collaborations like our expanded relationship with the NFL today as an Official Sports Betting Partner and the exclusive Daily Fantasy Sports Partner.

"We share the same vision as the NFL on fan engagement and believe this agreement will lead to new innovations that will ultimately enhance both the product on the field and on the screen."

DKNG shares acquired $1.22, or 2.1%, to $58.70

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