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BBTV Holdings Inc.

11:48 AM EST - BBTV Holdings Inc. : Is sharing the following recent Direct Advertising Branded Entertainment highlights and achievements as part of its Plus Solutions. BBTV has secured a number of paid direct advertising and branded entertainment campaigns across consumer verticals including Lifestyle & Fashion, Food & Beverage, and Sports for brands including Thrive Market, PUMA, and The RealReal, highlighting the growth of its Plus Solutions. Digital video advertising, which is just one corner of the creator economy, is expected to more than double from 2018 to 2021 to $82B, and it's expected to grow to $185B by 2026 at a 40% CAGR . The creator economy as a whole is poised to rise at an even faster pace than the early days of ecommerce. BBTV Holdings Inc.

shares T.BBTV are trading up $0.10 at $7.78.