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Marimaca Copper Corp.

10:06 AM EST - Marimaca Copper Corp. : Announced results from diamond drill hole MAD-22 which intersected high grade primary sulphide mineralization down-dip of oxide mineralization at Marimaca Oxide Deposit (“MOD”). Hole MAD-22 is a geological/geotechnical diamond drill hole which was drilled from the eastern MOD through the eastern 2022 Mineral Resource Estimate (“2022 MRE”) pit wall and intersected high-grade, dominantly chalcopyrite mineralization. MAD-22 intersected the border of the magnetic susceptibility high identified in the 2020 geophysical campaign. Oxide highlights: 82m at 0.53% CuT from 10m including 50m at 0.80% CuT from 42m. Sulphide highlights: 92m at 2.11% CuT from 140m, including 22m at 5.27% CuT from 204m. Marimaca Copper Corp.

shares T.MARI are trading up $0.09 at $3.03.