Stocks in Play

Sabre Gold Mines Corp.

09:37 AM EST - Sabre Gold Mines Corp. : Has entered into a non-binding Term Sheet with its secured creditors setting out the terms on which the parties are proposing to restructure the Company's current debt obligations and the gold stream over the Copperstone Mine. The proposed terms include: (i) partial early repayment of its debt obligations in return for the forgiveness of $3 million in accrued interest, (ii) amending the gold entitlement percentage under the gold stream in return for initial and deferred payments and shares in the Company, (iii) repurchasing the 1.5% gross production royalty on the Copperstone Mine within 12 months for consideration of US$1,250,000. Sabre Gold Mines Corp. shares T.SGLD are trading unchanged at $0.14.