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3 Things to Buy in April

April marks the end of a long Canadian winter. It’s also the month where thousands of us get our income tax refunds, which is all the excuse many need for a little retail therapy.

Here are three things you can buy at a discount in April.

So-called shoulder seasons – which usually consist of March/April and October/November are a wonderful time to score some vacation deals. Just make sure you avoid the spring break crowd.

It works because kids are still in school, university students are just finishing up their school year, and most employees are going to wait and take their vacation days in July or August. Nobody really wants to go anywhere.

One destination of interest should be Mexico and the Caribbean. Since these are winter destinations, demand slumps as soon as the season ends.

New electronics

Japanese television manufacturers are known for releasing their new models in April. As they come in, electronics stores will discount the old ones to get them off the sales floor.

There isn’t much difference between last year’s model and this year’s. The days of huge advances in TV technology on a year-to-year basis are over. It isn’t hard to get a TV 95% as good as the new model for 60% of the price.


April marks the beginning of spring cleaning season. Many people will take the opportunity to get rid of clutter. Much of this stuff will end up in thrift stores.

As the old saying goes, one person’s trash is another’s treasure. If you’re going to check out a thrift store, April is the time to do it.