Stocks in Play

Marimaca Copper Corp.

09:55 AM EST - Marimaca Copper Corp. : Announced the final reverse circulation (“RC”) drill results from the 2022 infill drilling campaign. Highlights from reported results include: LAR-109 intersected 308m at 0.94% CuT from 32m, including 186m at 1.37% CuT from 154m, including 26m at 4.83% CuT from 202;2 TAR-37 intersected 62m at 1.02% CuT from 2m, including 28m at 1.84% from 2m; ATR-167 intersected 46m at 1.23% CuT from 180m within a broader intersection of 76m at 0.79% CuT from 150m; TAR-40 intersected 68m at 0.30% CuT from 60m including 26m at 0.60% CuT from 90m. Marimaca Copper Corp.
shares T.MARI are trading up $0.44 at $3.90.